Classic Banana Walnut Bread
With sour cream and nuts, this Classic Banana Walnut Bread is the best you’ll ever taste! It’s perfectly moist texture and flavor, you’ll make this recipe again and again! Whether you eat this delicious...
With sour cream and nuts, this Classic Banana Walnut Bread is the best you’ll ever taste! It’s perfectly moist texture and flavor, you’ll make this recipe again and again! Whether you eat this delicious...
This Easy Retro Skillet Taco Pie can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes and will thrill your family. Everyone needs a quick, delicious dinner idea for those busy weeknights. Dinnertime conversation was...
Ultra-smooth and creamy, this heart-shaped Chocolate Coeur a la Creme is the epitome of a Valentine’s Day dessert! You won’t believe how simple it is to make! No baking is needed to create this...
These Easy Mini Mexican Tarts are filled with sausage, salsa and cheese-filled and will disappear by halftime! My personal football fanatic taste testers gave these Tex-Mex Appetizers their seal of approval!
Almond raspberry tartlets are a delicious and gorgeous holiday dessert. Rich cream cheese butter crust surrounds a raspberry jam and almond paste filling. These raspberry tarts make a delicious individual dessert for the holidays!...
Beef Tenderloin with Gorgonzola sauce is worthy of any celebration. Beef is a given for our Christmas dinner, and this beef roast recipe is a winner for any holiday dinner or special celebration. This Sauce...
These Caramel Filled Chocolate Truffles have a sweet surprise in the center: soft vanilla caramel! An unforgettable holiday treat! These are absolutely delicious! Homemade Truffles can be made with whatever flavorings you’d like. They’re...
These Turtle Thumbprint Cookies are rich chocolate cookies filled with caramel and topped with a pecan half or a chocolate drizzle. A wonderful addition to your holiday cookie tray! This Thumbprint Cookie Recipe will dazzle the...
This dreamy Black Bottom Chocolate Mousse Pie has a pastry crust, layers of chocolate ganache, mousse, whipped cream, and chocolate curls. My family said I hit a home run with this decadent Chocolate Pie...
Ganache Topped Cheesecake Bars are a rich and creamy homemade cheesecake dessert that will please both cheesecake and chocolate lovers alike! When you have a hankering for cheesecake but don’t want to deal with...
Swiss Butter Braid AKA Butterzopf is a slightly sweet, plaited, special occasion bread, perfect for the holidays, entertaining, or when you want to treat yourself to some yeasty deliciousness. Crank up your oven and...
You will lick the bowl of this Easy Brownie Batter Dip spankin’ clean; it’s truly a phenomenal treat that takes only minutes to create. Perfect for any gathering….and everyone will beg for your recipe!